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//! `glsl-lang` is a crate implementing a LALR parser for the GLSL 4.x language,
//! with partial support for preprocessor directives. Its AST and features are
//! modeled after [Dimitri Sabadie's `glsl` crate](https://github.com/phaazon/glsl).
//! See the [homepage](https://github.com/alixinne/glsl-lang) for more detailed comparison
//! elements.
//! # Examples
//! ## Parsing GLSL
//! ```
//! use glsl_lang::{ast, parse::DefaultParse};
//! // Some GLSL source to parse
//! let source = r#"void main() {
//! gl_FragColor = vec4(1., 0.5, 0.25, 1.);
//! }"#;
//! // Try parsing the source
//! let ast = ast::TranslationUnit::parse(source);
//! assert!(ast.is_ok());
//! ```
//! # Crate features
//! This crate has the following features:
//! - `parser-expr`: generate parser code for parsing GLSL expressions
//! - `parser-statement`: generate parser code for parsing GLSL statements
//! None of these features are enabled by default, as they significantly increase the compile
//! times. As an alternative, you may use the [`Parsable`](crate::parse::Parsable) trait, which
//! wraps grammar rules in suitable source and matches the result to extract the part of the AST
//! we're interested in.
//! ```
//! // parse::Parse is not implemented for ast::Expr with the default features
//! use glsl_lang::{ast, parse::Parsable};
//! let source = "a = b ? 1.0 : 0.0";
//! // Parse with Parsable::parse
//! let ast = ast::Expr::parse(source);
//! assert!(ast.is_ok());
//! ```
//! # Useful links
//! - [The OpenGL Shading Language Version 4.60](https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.pdf)
use lalrpop_util::lalrpop_mod;
feature = "lexer-v1",
feature = "lexer-v2-min",
feature = "lexer-v2-full"
pub use glsl_lang_lexer as lexer;
pub use glsl_lang_types::ast;
pub mod parse;
pub mod transpiler;
pub mod visitor;
feature = "lexer-v1",
feature = "lexer-v2-min",
feature = "lexer-v2-full"
mod parse_tests;